Hello John Dowding
A short while later Im outside WH Smith, and I notice
John Dowding (also from the Environmental & Consumer Services
Department walking up the street past me and The Struggling
Retailer. I say Oh, Hi John, have you got a minute, Im
being pissed about by one of your staff and he says No,
I cant stop now Im going to a meeting... and
scurries up Union Street towards Carphone Warehouse or somewhere.
It is unfortunate that Dowding was too busy to stop and talk
to me about what was going on. I wonder what is so important about
the ,meeting he is going to. I know John from another job I once
had as a rickshaw rider because he put the rickshaw operation
out of business too. If you have ever wondered why Cycles
Maximus tricycles dont operate in Bath any more despite
being so popular in London and Edinburgh, it is because John Dowdings
department of the increasingly deranged BANES Council
has told us that we are not allowed to operate here. Apparently
rickshaws were threatening the livlihoods of all our hard-working
taxi drivers! Yep, its true. Next time you sit in the back
of one of our citys fabulous taxis, perhaps in the back
seat of a Ford Mondeo or a Mercedes Benz) have look at the drivers
flabby neck and try and work out just how he thinks a pedal-powered
trike is going to dent his mortgage repayments.
Later I remember that Dowding used to hang out in the Hat & Feather
(back in the good old days when it was kicking pub) have a few
beers, and then go up to the Hub Club for some acid house or something.
I wonder what he does in the evenings now. I know he doesnt
go to the Hub anymore because his colleagues at BANES put that
out of business too.
I have almost regained my composure when I see a couple of cops
heading towards me. From their body language I can tell they are
interested in me, and sure enough the more masculine of the two
asks me if I have a Pedlars Certificate. I say Wow
I could really do with a friend around at the moment, but
I dont know anyone nearby. I ask bystanders if they can
help and listen to what this police wants to say to me. A lovely
woman comes along and says yes she will, asks if I am allright
and I say Im too shakey to write, can you write down what
this police says to me. She does. I think her name was Kate. So
then I say yes, I have got a Peddlars licence and he tells
me Ok mate youve got to stop trading . I say
Hello mate but I think youre mistaken, and he
says No, Its a new rule, the council made it up this
morning - from now on pedlars are not allowed to trade in Bath.
He is not specific. He is vague. It sounds as if hes making
it up as he goes along, but as far as I could tell from his obscure
police-talk he seemed to be saying that I was not allowed to be
a pedlar here simply because the council had decided that this
He said they had told everyone else with a Peddlars licence
to go away too. He says I am in breach of conditions of my Pedlars
Certificate because I had a semi-permanent stall.
I say Dont be ridiculous mate, something is either
permanent or not. Nothing can be semi-permanent, its
either one thing or the other. The more female of the police
laughs a little at this, and I notice shes quite attractive
in a way. (Later on in the pub I wonder if the cops will ever
try and get a female police to chat me up in a bar in order so
she can arrest me for something. My mate laughs tells about someone
who once shagged a police round the back of Goldiggers in Chippenham.
She was apparently off-duty at the time, and he slapped her ass
while they did it. That was when he found out, that was when she
said Stop it, Im a police.)
The cops tell me they have made all the other pedlars piss off
too, I just stay where I am. As I understand it, I am still allowed
to be there, just not allowed to trade anything with anyone. The
cops tell me Ive got to go and see Mr. Ohagan (the
man in the nylon shirt) and tell me where his office is. I guess
Im just supposed to go there with �150 like the people who
pay for a static street traders licence. I ask the cops if it
will be alright if I just wedge them up, and how much do they
Later we went to Mr. Ohagans office, but guess what
- he was out! What a surprise! It wouldnt matter anyway
if I could afford �150 a month for a Street Traders Licence
because I heard that there are already nearly 100 people on the
waiting list for places.
I consider various options like getting Sue to sell my stuff
for me if anyone wants anything, but that idea too silly. I later
decide to let people steal things they want from The Retailer
and meet me in the pub later and buy me a drink. I guess that
would be illegal too Mr. Ohagen? I give the woman who helped
me a copy of Catacombs Of Terror! by Stanley Donwood to say thanks.
I wonder if Im allowed to do that even. The book is about
seedy council officials and corrupt CCTV operatives. See
what Time Out said about it here
I look up and notice one of the cameras is looking right at me
so I give it a one-fingered salute and it pans away from me. I
guess they get embarrassed when you give them the finger.
Whenever anyone was interested in my locally-made goods I told
them what twits the council were and they all said Yes we
know, council officers are all apparently complete idiots.
Some people mentioned the Spa and we all thought it might be a
much better use of Ohagans time if he went and helped
them sort out that fiasco. Some people muttered the word wankers.
I remained on the street until about 5pm when it started raining
and then I go to the pub where I bump into Andrew
and Kirsten, the authors of some of the books Ive got
on sale. Naturally they are interested in my story as their books
are one of the most popular items I sell.
Their books are about life in Bath so naturally they are interested
to hear about my experiences, and this gives me an excellent opportunity
to make more detailed notes about the day while I tell them the
story. Am an anxious to write it down while its all fresh in my
mind, so I make two pages of more notes while we have a pint ot
two. Andrew and Kirsten tell me about a bloke they know on the
council who usually helpful. I say yeah thatll be a first
then, but 5 minutes later the guy walks into the bar. How fortuitous.
Kirsten goes off for a natter with him, and when she comes back
she says I should drop in to his office on George Street in the
morning with the stuff. The Helpful Councillor is an Estate Agent
it seems.
The next day its Wednesday 18th of August and I got up and wrote
most what youve read up to here on my computer.
Meet the Helpful Councillor